Tag Archives: fear

No Longer…

No Longer…


As I stood in my friends’ house after the fire was put out, my mind instantly transported me back fourteen years ago, as I stood in the ashes of my own home. In that moment, the old familiar lingering of fear crept into my heart. Fire is so unpredictable. It only takes a minute for your world to change. I am thankful that my friends’ family is safe and they could save many things from their home. Even so, I remember in my own life how time seemed frozen in those ashes. I remember how fear slithered in my thinking of what could have been and where do we go from here.

We all have fears. Fears of being alone. Fears of being rejected. Fears of that the test results will bring. Fears of life changing. Fears that life may never change. Fears that God will never answer our prayers. Fears that God may answer those scary prayers.

Four years ago, I had some health challenges, some I still deal with today. At first, I wasn’t sure what was wrong with me. I began to have anxiety attacks along with other symptoms. I felt overwhelmed by fear and anxiety. It took nearly a year to find some answers. I just remember the fear. Fear of what was wrong with me. The biggest fear was would I ever be the same. I went from being very organized and in control to surviving day by day and moment by moment. As I was praying one day about wanting God to help me get back to “me” He simply impressed on my heart that I would never be that “me” again. If for no other reason, all that I had been through had changed me. It changed how I look at others going through the same problems.

I’ve heard many speakers talk about their life verses for 2017. I thought I need that, so I began to pray about my life verse for the new year. Nothing. Great! 2017 is going to be a year of nothing I thought. Then I realized that for several days I had been singing the same verse of a song over and over…

I’m no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God

When I stopped to think about that song I realized that last year was a year of fear for me. God reminded me that when we live in fear, we forget to live for Him. As a child of God, I should have no fear because He said He would never leave me or forsake me. Now I know this doesn’t mean I will not have troubles in 2017, but it does mean that perfect love casts out fear.

Dear friends, God has all our todays and tomorrows in His hand. Can we stand in His presence and release all the fears we are clinging to? Even as I write this I am waiting to hear my latest biopsy result. I’ve had many and they’ve all been fine but each time the fear of “is this the one” creeps into my mind.

I’m no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God